Wall fitting support for bubble tubes


  • It’s highly recommended to read this manual before start using the device.
  • Do not move or tip the tube once it is filled with water. For this reason it should be placed in the final position before filling.
  • During filling and emptying, the tube must be disconnected from the power supply.
  • Never use chemical or abrasive products to clean the tube support.


The Support for wall-fitting is a 3-piece bracket that helps to give stability to a SHX Bubble tube (BJ-ETBS). This bracket is recommended for installations where there isn’t any furniture to support the tube.



  1. Tube lid
  2. Bracket extension
  3. Wall support

Materials needed:

The support comes with 6 screws to attach the bracket extension to the tube lid and to the wall support.

Depending on the wall type where the support will be fixed, the studs can vary. Use 2 suitable studs and screws according to the material of the wall (see image).




STEP1. Placing the wall support.

  •         Level the wall support with the height of the tube at its final position in the room.
  •         Mark the position, make 2 holes in the wall and put the studs in.



STEP2. Fix the wall support to the wall.

  •        Fix the wall support with the screws to the wall.



STEP2. Fix the wall support to the wall.

  • Use the screws provided in the package to attach the lid to the extension of the bracket.



STEP4. Fix bracket extension to the wall support. 

  • Finally, place the lid on the tube and adjust the distance needed to attach the bracket extension to the wall support (use the provided screws).
  • Never use chemical or abrasive products to clean the tube.
  • Clean the tube support  using non-soapy water and a soft cloth. Thoroughly dry the surface of the tube and the base and wait one hour to connect to the power supply.
  • To avoid any possible damage to the environment or human health caused by uncontrolled disposal of waste, separate these products from other types of waste and recycle them correctly.
  • Private users can contact the establishment where they purchased the product or with the their local authorities to find out how and where they can safely recycle it.

This product complies with EU 2004/108/EC Directive requirements .

Declaration of conformity can be downloaded by clicking on the following link: bjliveat.com

Este producto cumple con los requisitos que indica la Directiva Europea 2004/108/EC.

If you find any damage or any material is missing please contact our technical service for assistance.

BJ Adaptaciones
C/ Mare de Déu del Coll, 70, Bajos
08023 Barcelona, España
Fono: +34 93 285 04 37
Fax: +34 93 553 56 34
e-Mail: info@bjliveat.com

Any damage or breakage caused during transport must be notified within three days of receipt.