• It’s highly recommended to read this manual before start using the device.
  • The product should always be used under adult supervision.
  • To avoid eye damage, do not look directly at the lens of the light source.
  • This product is designed for indoor use only.
  • People prone to epileptic seizures should consider the effects of this  lights effect can have on them.
  • Be careful with the cables of the product. If you detect a defect in a cable, disconnect the device from the power supply and contact technical support.
  • The product is designed to create a visual and sensitive effect, so it should never be shaken, tipped or hit with hard objects.

Bubble tube

  • It’s highly recommended to read this manual before start using the device.
  • The product should be always used under adult supervision.
  • The bubble tube is designed to create an optical effect and users can touch and hug the tube, however, the tube should never be shaken, overturned or hit with hard objects
  • To ensure its stability, if it isn’t used with the specific base, it can be secured using an extra clamp (not supplied with the product).
  • Before filling the tube with water, place it at its final location in the room to avoid moving it when is full.
  • During filling and emptying, the tube must be disconnected from the power supply.
  • Just fill the tube with clean water, leaving a gap at the top of 8 to 10cm.
  • Do not move or tip the tube once it is filled with water. For this reason it should be placed in the final position before filling.
  • After it is filled with water, two electrical connections must be made.
  • Never use chemical or abrasive products to clean the tube.

Fibre optics

  • It is recommended a periodic inspection of the fibres to detect breaks in the fibres strips, in which case the complete mallet should be replaced.
  • The fibre optic is designed to create an optical effect and users can gently touch and twist it. Even so, it should never be placed in the mouth, biting, stretching, knotting, use as a rope to tie hands or feet, sit on top of the mallet, use as a whip or submerge it in water. There is a risk of strangulation.
  • DO NOT cover the ventilation holes.


To reduce the risk of accidents, follow the safety instructions:

  • Do not use power cables, damaged connectors or loose plugs. Do not bend or damage the power cord. Do not touch the power cord with wet hands or pull the cord to disconnect the charger.
  • You can use the device while it is charging, although the battery will take longer to fully charge. Avoid handling with wet hands during charging.
  • Do not hit or drop the charger and do not charge the battery with chargers that are not approved by the manufacturer.
  • Do not handle damaged lithium ion batteries or leaking batteries.
  • Do not use the device near a pacemaker. If possible, avoid its use at a distance less than 15 cm, since the device can interfere with the pacemaker. At the time of the call, place the device on the side opposite the implant.
  • Do not use the device in a hospital or near medical equipment that may be subject to interference caused by radio frequencies.
  • If you use medical equipment regularly, make sure they are protected from radio frequencies. If you use a hearing aid, tell the manufacturer for information about interference.
  • In potentially explosive environments, turn off the device. Always respect the rules, instructions and warning signs.
  • Do not use the device at fuel loading points (service stations) or near other flammable chemicals and / or explosives
  • Avoid placing the device near the abdominal and genital area, especially in the case of pregnant women, children and adolescents

Bubble tube base

  • It is necessary to read the manual before starting.
  • Do not use abrasive products or products for cleaning windows or kitchen.
  • In case the furniture gets in contact with liquids, dry the surfaces immediately to prevent the foam from getting wet. The seams are not waterproof.

Check the specifications of each component: 

The Luminea corner allows you to have a little multisensory space full of therapeutic opportunities in a plug & play and very easy to use corner.

The bundle includes

  • A 230V socket must be provided for the power supply of the Luminea Corner. (The bundle includes a power strip to connect each element)

Follow the video assembly instructions that you will find at this video

1) Control desde una tablet Android

Se puede controlar la fibra directamente desde una tablet Android con la app Luminea mediante las múltiples actividades que incluye.

Para que el tubo y la fibra se puedan usar con la App, es necesario que la tablet Android esté conectada a la red Wi-Fi que genera el router Luminea, que se entrega con los dispositivos del Rincón Luminea.

a) La referencia BJ-LIN23 incluye una tablet ya configurada para su uso con la red WiFi Luminea y con el Tubo y la Fibra listos para ser utilizados.

b) Para la referencia BJ-LRIN deberá adquirir una tablet Android y descargar la App Luminea gratuitamente desde la tienda de Google Play y seguir los siguientes pasos:

b1) Una vez que la app esté instalada, conecte la tablet a la Wi-Fi del router que se entrega con sus dispositivos:

  • El nombre de la Wi-Fi es: Multisensory
  • La contraseña por defecto para conectar la tablet es: TEmporal123456

b2) Ir a buscar los dispositivos en el menú

b3) Dar permisos de ubicación

b4) Comprobar que el tubo y la fibra aparecen como dispositivos listos para usar

¡Ya está todo listo y configurado para empezar!

Ahora se puede controlar la iluminación de los dispositivos con las múltiples actividades creadas en la App. Existen actividades de dos tipos:

    • Pixel: Al tocar sobre un punto de cualquier imagen y el dispositivo se volverá del color seleccionado
    • Secuencias: Se reproducen coreografías combinando músicas o sonidos y secuencias de colores.

También es posible cargar imágenes y crear actividades personalizadas.

Puede consultar el tutorial de la aplicación para aprender como usarlas.  El tutorial se muestra siempre la primera vez que se usa la App. Se puede acceder a él cuando se desee también desde desde el menú.

2) Control por conmutador

Tanto el Tubo como la Fibra Luminea tienen entradas para su control con conmutador

Esta entrada enciende y apaga el dispositivo. Una vez en marcha, la iluminación cambia de forma automática y las burbujas del tubo se activan.

Esta entrada cambia de color la iluminación de forma cíclica, pasando por los clores rojo, verde, amarillo, azul, naranja, blanco y apagado. Al iniciar un ciclo después de apagado, se activan las burbujas.


El Tubo Luminea tiene además una entrada específica que permite controlar el encendido y apagado de las burbujas.


3) Control por mando inalámbrico

Puede controlar el dispositivo desde el mando inalámbrico Button 6 o desde el dado SHX.

Configure el mando Button 6 para que funcione con dispositivos de este tipo y cambie el color del dispositivo directamente desde el mando inalámbrico.

Para cambiar el modo de funcionamiento se deben seguir los siguientes pasos:

1.      Pulse y mantenga pulsado el botón de configuración de la parte inferior del mando.


2.      Siguiendo la plantilla que se muestra a continuación, pulse el botón según el modo de funcionamiento deseado.

3.      Suelte ambos pulsadores.

4.      A continuación, el led indicador parpadeará el número de veces del modo elegido.


Bubble tube:
  • The tube must be disconnected from the power supply before cleaning.
  • Never use chemical or abrasive products to clean the tube.
  • Clean the tube and the base from the top downwards using non-soapy water and a soft cloth. Thoroughly dry the surface of the tube and the base and wait one hour to connect to the power supply.
  • It is recommended to use an antibacterial or bleach once a year inside the tube. 
  • Make sure there aren’t any soap residues inside the bubble tube (otherwise the bubbles will create foam and it will overflow from the tube).
  • When you notice the water turning cloudy, it must be changed.

Fibre optics: 


  • Disconnect the device from the electrical power before cleaning
  • Use a soft cloth moistened non-soapy water to clean the product.
  • Do not use abrasive products.
  • Dry the product before connecting it to the current
  • Do not connect the device if liquid has entered inside
  • Don’t cover the ventilation of the lightsource, and keep them clean to avoid overheating

Maintenance of the strands:

  • It is recommended a periodic inspection of the fibres to detect breaks in the fibres strips, in that case, the complete mallet should be replaced.
  • The fibres must be cleaned on a regular basis
  • DO NOT immerse the fibres in water or another liquid.
  • For cleaning, the fibre bundle must be separated from the light source by loosening the fixing screw.
  • Clean the fibres using soapy water and a soft cloth.
  • Clean from the fibre connector towards the end with a smooth movement from top to bottom.
  • Thoroughly dry the fibres and do not reconnect in the light source until after one hour.


  • Before cleaning the device, turn it off and disconnect all system and power cables.
  • Make sure the screen is completely dry before reconnecting and turning it on.
  • Do not use any liquid or cleaning spray directly on the surface of the screen or the housing.

Screen: Use a soft, clean, lint-free cloth to remove dust and dirt from the screen. For fingerprints and smudges, use a cloth with mild cleansers.

Case: Use a soft cloth slightly moistened with a mild cleansing solution. Rinse the cloth with clean water, drain it well and clean the housing to remove any residue of detergent.

Base cuadrada para tubo de burbujas
  • Wash with mild soap and water.
  • Rinse with clean water.
  • Dry with a soft cloth.
  • To avoid possible damage to the environment or human health that represents the uncontrolled disposal of waste, separate these products from other types of waste and recycle them correctly. In this way, the sustainable reuse of material resources is promoted
  • Private users can contact the establishment where they purchased the product or with the relevant local authorities to find out how and where they can take it to be subjected to environmentally friendly and safe recycling.

Within the legal warranty period we agree to rectify for free by repairing or replacing defects in the product derived from defective materials or manufacturing defects.

Any unauthorised alteration or modifications to the product will void this warranty.

This product complies with 2014/30/EU Directive requirements .

Declaration of conformity can be downloaded by clicking on the following link: bjliveat.com


If you find any damage or any material is missing please contact our technical service for assistance.

BJ Adaptaciones
C/ Mare de Déu del Coll, 70, Bajos
08023 Barcelona, España
Fono: +34 93 285 04 37
Fax: +34 93 553 56 34
e-Mail: info@bjliveat.com

Any damage or breakage caused during transport must be notified within three days from reception.